- 2019.11-Present: Visiting scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Supervisor: Professor Tian He - 2015.09-Present: Ph.D. candidate (direct doctor program), Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
Supervisor: Professor Guihai Chen, Research Assistant Haipeng Dai - 2011.09-2015.06: B.S., School Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, China.
Award & Honnors
- 2018 Doctoral National Scholarship
- 2018 Joint-PhD Student Scholarship of China Scholarship Council (CSC)
- 2014 National Scholarships of Encouragement
- 2013 National Scholarships of Encouragement
- PC member
- Reviewer:
- IEEE Access
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
- Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
- 2019.01-Present: Research on task-level scheduling algorithm for wireless charger network in complex environment. (participate)
- 2018.07-Present: Research on Task Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Charging Network. (Graduate Research Inno- vation Program of Jiangsu Province, host)
- 2016.01-2018.12: Optimizing Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network System with Guaranteed Human Safety. (participate)
- 2015.12-2016.12: Huawei HIRP Project.
- $\color{red}{[INFOCOM]}$ Nan Yu, Haipeng Dai, Alex X. Liu and Bingchuan Tian. Placement of Connected Wireless Chargers. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Honolulu, HI, USA, April 15-19, 2018. Acceptance rate: 309/1606 = 19.2%.
- $\color{red}{[Ubicomp]}$ Nan Yu, Wei Wang, Alex X. Liu and Lingtao Kong. QGesture: Quantifying Gesture Distance and Direction with WiFi Signals. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (UbiCOMP), Volume 2 ,Issue 1, Article No. 51, March 2018.
- $\color{red}{[TMC]}$ Nan Yu, Haipeng Dai, Guihai Chen, Alex X. Liu, Bingchuan Tian, and Tian He. Connectivity-constrained Placement of Wireless Chargers. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2019. TBD
- $\color{red}{[Springer]}$ Haipeng Dai, Nan Yu, Alex X. Liu, Bingchuan Tian and Chen, Guihai. Wireless Charger Deployment with Communication Constraint. In Proceedings of book Encyclopedia of Wireless Networks, Springer International Publishing.
- $\color{red}{[TMC]}$ Xiaoyu Wang, Haipeng Dai, Wang Weijun, Jiaqi Zheng, Nan Yu, Guihai Chen, Wanchun Dou, Xiaobing Wu. Practical Heterogeneous Wireless Charger Placement with Obstacles. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2019. TBD